5 Reasons Why Deathstroke Is The Perfect Villain For The New Batman Movie

There have been many villains depicted as the arch nemesis of Batman in his movie avatar. Villains have included everyone from The Joker, The Penguin, Catwoman, Bane, The Riddler, Two-Face and Ra’s al Ghul to name a few. With the confirmation from DCEU, Deathstroke joins that long list and clearly, he is the perfect villain for this older, rougher Batman. Here are five points as to why that is:

Deathstroke Is A Realistic Villain But Still Fits Into DCEU

After fighting a literal alien by the name of Superman in Batman Vs Superman, it would seem like a downer to see the Batman face petty criminals. But a super soldier who both has super strength, smarts and a heightened sense false of righteous morality would be an interesting enemy for our hero to beat.

Deathstroke Is An Assasin For Hire

Unlike other villains, Deathstroke is a hired assassin which means that he won’t be anywhere unless someone told him to be there and to kill unless he’s been hired to kill. Wilson doesn’t let his agendas rule his profession. So that just leads one to wonder- who would hire Deathstroke? And will this entail further movies of the caped crusader solving that mystery?

Deathstroke’s Appearance Could Lead To A New Robin Being Introduced

Deathstroke was first introduced to the world of comics through Teen Titans. And who was a member of Teen Titans who is also associated with Batman? Robin.Maybe Deathstroke being in the new movie will also lead to Batman finding a new Robin. He was mourning in Batman Vs Superman for his Boy Wonder, so this could lead to a new development on that aspect.

Batman And Deathstroke Are On The Same Playing Field

Batman is one of the few superheroes to not have superpowers or be bitten by a mutant reptile of any kind. He is just a normal man with an agenda. Slade Wilson is a criminal with no real powers either. To see the two battle it out in a game of wits would even out the battle but who will win the war in the end?

He Could Be Batman’s Redemption

Batman Vs. Superman saw a darker, more violent Batman who did not give a second thought to killing anyone.With Deathstroke as the villain, the caped crusader could find redemption and re-learn the compassion that he witnessed in Superman’s sacrifice if he finally faces an enemy with no principles. Maybe even resulting in him to go back to his one rule of No Killing.