Star Wars Rogue One: Here’s Everything You Need to Know

There are tens of millions of Star Wars fans that are waiting for the next episode after the decent box-office success of Star wars: Force awakens. After the horrible prequels, the fans really wanted to see a well- directed Star Wars movie onscreen. The Force Awakens had the feel and the tone we wanted, it embraced the ideals and magical realism of original Star Wars movies which made us fell in love with the universe at the first place.

There are still few months before Rogue One hits theatres this year on December 16, around Christmas week. Mark Hamill, who plays Luke Skywalker took to twitter and announced the wrap date for the production. He wrote:

“It wraps on Friday July 22nd 2016 #LooseLipsSinkStarships #W8ForVIII #DontBeAHomer #PatienceMyPadawans #Rogue1Sooner”

The studio has released a new short behind-the-scenes footage laced with actual action sequences of Rogue One, and it’s totally epic putting all apprehensions to rest. The sets are magnificent, the costumes are fantastic, the cinematography is top notch, Darth Vader in the movie and Mads Mikkelson’s character (father of Jyn Erso) is responsible for the creation of the Death Star/Super Laser. He describes his character as “the Oppenheimer of Star Wars universe.” In the scientific world, he is famous for creating an atomic bomb. Later he felt remorseful as the technology he invented was used for death and destruction, this may explain his character arc in the story. Jyn Erso is a criminal misfit who stole the plans for a Death star, Diego Luna is a resistance fighter working for rebel intelligence, Alan Tudyk is Droid, Ben Mendelson is Director Orso Krenny etc.

There is such an adrenaline rush that one would feel as if Storm Troopers are crossing crystal blue waters to invade Normandy during the World War II. It’s a space saga but it appears to be so grounded in land warfare.  MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!