Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 Plot Theory: Here’s What We Know

Finally, we saw Patrick J. Adams a.k.a Mike Ross from USA network “SUITS” on the Legends of Tomorrow finale, when he was teased earlier the studio said that he will be playing a hero boasting “a mysterious past and equally mysterious agenda”;  he has described as “a beloved superhero from the DC canon”. He was none other than Rex Tyler from Justice Society of America (JSA was the first major DC Comic written by Geoff Johns). He is also the valued member of All-Squad Squadron. The Justice Society of America had featured in the show “Smallville” too in a two-part special. He was raised in upstate New York, had an extreme fondness for sciences, discovered a path-breaking chemical called Miraclo (somewhat similar to the Velocity-9 drug) which gave him powers like enhanced speed, strength, durability, stamina, night vision and underwater survival, but he could use his superhero abilities only for an hour. He is also sometimes called “Hourman”. Moreover, there are three different versions of Hourman in comics – Rex Tyler (Patrick J. Adams in LOT), Rick Tyler and Mathew Tyler.

The biggest question is how will Rex Tyler move the narrative forward in season 2? Well, now we have an answer to this question looming large in the minds of fans. In the last episode, he said to the team that Mick Rory had sent him to this time and place and warned them to avoid boarding the wave rider as they will eventually die. But who will kill them? The studio is teasing a formidable new villain for season 2 who will make Vandal Savage look like a walk in the park. They have already ruled out thanagarians invaders whose technology is powerful enough that could wipe off the entire planet. The JSA has been brought into the DC TV universe for a reason, it ties major characters of the CW shows – Arrow (Black Canary), Flash (Jay Garrick). Legends of Tomorrow (Hourman) and Supergirl (Tornado) which will ultimately lead to the mega 4-night crossover. Stay excited fans!!!