Arrow: 5 Grave Scenes on the Show That Brought Us to Tears

The latest episode titled “Canary Cry” was aired on CW network. It could be considered as one of the most emotionally charged and heartbreaking episodes in the history of the show. Quentin Lance (Laurel’s father) is struggling to come to terms with his daughter’s death and even asked Nysa Al Gul if she could bring her back using the pit, but she told him that she destroyed the pit months ago. There have been many deaths on the show from season 1 till now, funeral ceremonies have been arranged to honor their deaths. One of these characters even returned from the dead through Lazarus pit, and one person never died at all.

Here’s a list of funerals from the Arrow TV Show:


Laurel Lance:

She was a daughter of Quentin Lance, an assistant district attorney of the Star city and a member of Team Arrow. When the Team Arrow raided the Darhk’s facility, he had regained his magical powers and thwarted their attempts to capture him. He killed Laurel by stabbing her with an arrow, sending a statement to Quentin that this is what happens to you when you betray him. At her funeral ceremony, Oliver gave a very emotional speech on how she was a hero and she would want us to fight for the city and save it for our people.

Moira Queen:

She was Oliver’s mother, wife of Robert Queen of Queen Consolidated. She was brutally stabbed to death by Slade Wilson in season 2 to avenge Shado’s death, for which he considered Oliver responsible for it.

Oliver Queen:

He is the son of Robert Queen and Moira Queen, who are founder promoters of Queen Consolidated. He went on a voyage with Robert on Queen’s gambit (a large boat), but they got caught up in a major storm and ran out of supplies amidst extreme weather conditions. Everyone back home thought he is dead but Robert gave himself up for Oliver and asked him to right his wrongs.

Tommy Merlyn:

He was the son of Malcolm Merlyn, a close friend of Oliver and lover of Laurel. In the first season, when the “Undertaking” of his father became a major threat to city’s survival, he was caught inside a building when the earthquakes took down concrete structures all over glades and adjoining areas. At his funeral, Oliver couldn’t be present as he blamed himself, but Laurel gave a moving speech about friendship and love.

Sara Lance:

She is the daughter of Quentin Lance, sister of Laurel, who was killed by Thea under the influence of Malcolm. She was later brought back through Lazarus pit.