8 Things To Do When You Feel Low

“So well.. All of us are humans aren’t we? We are all allowed to have our low times. Not everything can be happy about life. But one thing that we must take care of is that we must never let the negativity take over. The positive is what shall live. Make it live.”


Push The Thoughts Away And Remember The Ones That Make You Smile

There is always something that starts to eat up our mind but there has got to be something to balance it out too. Sure there are bad things that happen but good things happen too. Try going to the happy times that must overrule the bad ones.



Read Something Positive

Reading is one thing that will never let you down. Try reading books, if not, go for magazines or articles in newspapers that will fill you up with positivity. As a last resort, if there is nothing available, go for pdf. versions of books or magazines, maybe even newsletters. That will surely make you feel great.


Music Is Always The Best Healer


the melodies that hit your eardrums can never let you down. Chose the upbeat songs or even instrumental pieces filled with zest for life and positivity. That will leave your heart in a happy note. Choose the music pieces that have all the good notes. Whether soft or fast, choose the good notes.


Move Your Feet A Little, Dance To The Happy Beats


Dancing has been scientifically proved as a mood-fixer. Choose a dance form you like and lock yourself in a room to just groove by yourself. If you don’t know how to dance, just move your feet to a happy song and dance like nobody is ever going to judge you.


Go out running

Physical activity is one amazing way to lighten yourself up. Just run by yourself with some great music to hit you with your ear-plugs. That is sure to let everything out of you and leave you with happiness. Just follow up.


Talk About It To Someone

If you don’t feel like getting up and going out of the room, just stay there, if you can find someone in there, great! If not, call somebody trustworthy and talk about it to them. Let it out of your mind.


Write It Down If You Don’t Wish To Say It


There can be a time when you don’t know who to talk to. Just don’t make that a fuss and add that as a worry to your mind. Just be calm and write it down on a piece of paper. That is yet another way to let things out of your mind that disturb you.


Nothing Works, Just Cry It Out And Smile Brighter

If nothing of the above makes you happy, just let it flow out of your eyes. There is nothing wrong with crying once in a while. Its all right to shed a tear or two at times. We are all humans and we are allowed to cry our worries out. Just cry it out and later in the night, smile brighter.