5 Reasons Why Ben Affleck is the Ideal Choice to Take Iconic Batman Series forward

Ben Affleck seems very excited and emotional about playing Batman in the standalone movies of the franchise. He has been revered by both critics and fans for his masterful performances in The Town and Argo. He has been talking about the films for a long time, asking fans to contribute and tell him what they would like to see in his version of a superhero.

It’s almost unimaginable to even think of any other actor besides Ben Affleck to bring this character to live on screen. He has shown an inclination towards the character, he is someone who could carry the role of Bruce Wayne with panache.

Here are the five reasons why Ben Affleck could be the perfect choice for Warner Bros for playing the character of “Batman” and bringing the franchise alive onscreen:

He played “Daredevil” and “Superman”:

He is no stranger to “Superhero” genre. He pulled off a good performance as Daredevil although the movie didn’t do well at the box office. So, given his background, he can be the right choice to play Wolverine.

He is “old” enough to take over the reins:

Ben Affleck is in his early 40’s. He has got just the right age to play war-weary veteran Batman and serve the character for a decent amount of time.

He has got the perfect built:

He is suave, macho and has got the brilliant physique to portray Batman on screen. He was looking in great shape in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

He is a passionate comic-book lover:

The studio had an opportunity to lock Ben Affleck for the role and direction of solo Batman films and sign a multi-year contract with him, they did exactly that which is a genius. Here is the man who actually have a Bat Cave in his house.

He is a director of great caliber:

He is enormously talented and has an enviable CV with movies like The Town, Argo to his credit. He will surely take Batman to new, interesting directions which we haven’t seen before.