Game of Thrones: 4 Major Funeral Ceremonies in the Great Sept of Baelor

The Great Sept of Baelor or the Great Sept is a place of religious worship for the “Fath of the Seven” and the seat of the “High Septon” at King’s Landing. It was built by Targaryens to carry out massive religious ceremonies including royal weddings. It is decorated with seven-pointed star, giant paintings and sculptures depicting different aspects of the godhead.

But more than royal weddings, this massive sept seems to be used more for the funeral ceremonies in the TV adaptation of “Song of Ice & Fire” novels by George R.R Martin. Following is the list of funerals we have seen till now in the Game of Thrones TV series:

Myrcella Baratheon:

In the latest set of pictures released by HBO, it’s clear that Cersei’s daughter is dead. In the previous season, it was revealed that she knows Jamie is her father, but immediately after she collapsed as Ellaria poisoned her when she kissed her goodbye.   

Jon Arryn:

He was the Hand of the King, Warden of the East, Lord of the Eyrie and Defender of the Vale until he died in mysterious circumstances. He never appeared on the TV show as he was shown dead from the very first episode. He came to know about the incestuous relationship between Cersei and Jamie Lannister, he was going to tell Robert but before that Little finger manipulated his wife Lysa to poison him if she love him and her son.

Jofferey Baratheon:

During the “purple wedding” episode, Jofferey Baratheon (King of the Seven Kingdoms) dropped dead in front of everyone present as he consumed poison. It was revealed that the scheme was hatched by Little Finger and Olenna Tyrell for their vested interests.

Tywin Lannister:

It was perhaps the classic tale of revenge by an unwanted son who was castigated by his father throughout his lifetime. Tyrion Lannister murdering his father Tywin using a crossbow in his privy. He then escaped King’s Landing with the help of Lord Varys.