Best Lesbian Youtube Couples Of All Time

YouTube is a mystical land which shows magical beings around the globe. It has videos of people from every set of life. You can go to see a music video but before you know it you’re watching a puppy talking like a human. Do you have any regrets? No.

This post is about the lesbians of YouTube, the rebels who are living their lives happily no matter what people say. They are the ones guiding the coming generations of lesbians to a better future by telling them the basic challenges, rules, etc. of being a lesbian.

So get ready for a rain of glitter, this post is about to be so gay.


If you are a lesbian who watches YouTube, then chances are you already know about her. Hannah Hart is basically Ellen DeGeneres of YouTube with more than 187 million views on her channel. And every Ellen needs her Portia. Ingrid Nilsen is just that. They have recently confirmed their relationship and internet is bursting with joy. Ingrid Nilsen is a beauty and lifestyle guru on YouTube who recently came into our lives with her viral coming out video. She was later seen with Hannah in her famous web show, My Drunk Kitchen and everyone started suspecting something cooking between these two. Pun intended. These two have since featured in each other’s videos and have taken a trip together to Norway. It is the first time Hannah has confirmed her relationship status and internet is literally happy-crying for her. Their ship name is Hangrid. You can follow them on snapchat to see them being cute together. Hannah’s snapchat is “hartoooo” and Ingrid’s snapchat is “Ingrid.nilsen”.



Yes, their real names are Rose and Rosie. If you are a lesbian, then you know how hard it is to find a girl worthy of your love and if the girl has a matching name to go with yours then it’s probably how Jesus wanted it to be. Rose is the one with dark hair and Rosie is the blonde (but her hair keeps changing). They are a married couple from the United Kingdom, living in their lesbian home in London with a dog named Wilma and a cat named Flynn. They make funny YouTube videos and vlogs. They are the fastest growing lesbian channel on YouTube with more than four hundred thousand subscribers and counting. They broadcast on Younow on every Tuesday night and sometimes on BBC Radio 1 Internet Takeover. Rose’s channel is called RoseEllenDix where they play games, do challenges and tag videos. Rosie’s channel is called TheRoxetera where she does makeup tutorials and talk about serious issues in their lives. If they can’t make you believe in true love, then I don’t know what can. You’ll die of their cuteness while watching their videos. You can also follow them on snapchat at “roseellendix” and “roxeterawr”.



It was a match made on Tumblr. Random people on Tumblr actually messaged them saying they two should date each other. Finally, when they obliged they fell in love and the rest is history. Shannon and Cammie are a lesbian couple who first met on Tumblr, then maintained a long distance relationship before finally moving in together. They have a YouTube channel called nowthisisliving which has more than nineteen million views. They make videos about internet tags, games, challenges and so many other stuff. Their videos have good content and great laughs. They also broadcast on younow every now and then. You can follow them on snapchat at “shannonbeverage” and “cammiescott”.