5 Films You Must Watch With Your Girlfriend to Have a Smooth Break-Up


Things are just not going well between you and your present due to the sudden return of your ex. And you realize that you want to get out of this relationship and go back to your ex. Confused? What should you do? Simple, go on a dinner date with your present and later ask her for a movie. Take her to your room, turn off the lights, switch on your laptop, look into her eyes and very romantically tell her “ Jaanu this is the one movie I would always love to watch with You “. Then share one headphone, take her in your arms and start watching the movie. And in no time “ Your janu “ will understand that your ex will always bring “ Sholay “ in your hearts and she will always put “Aag “ in your err let it go. So, she will take out the headphone put it in your ear and get the hell out of there.


Your girlfriend is not satisfied with whatever you do for her. She wants you to be a “super” boyfriend and you want your “not so super “ ass out from the relationship. Perfect, just watch this movie with her on a special date. And she would easily understand that you can only manage to become “Drona” of her life and not some superman or batman. Mission accomplished.


Now this is a common symptom. Regular tantrums of your girlfriend are making you go mad. And you simply need a break up. Then why wait go ahead and make her watch this movie. Make her watch the full movie on her birthday. She would perfectly understand the meaning of torture and the hint. Forget about checking whether the plan worked or not, because she had already blocked you on every social networking sites last night itself.


She keeps shouting at the top of her voice all the time. She does things which have no reason. And you just want to make her understand how you feel and have an end to it. Perfect scenario to watch Bombay Velvet with her to get your work done. While watching the movie she will understand your condition perfectly, because she will go through it. At the end she might even cry feeling sorry for you. But you don’t repeat the mistake by making a sequel and just let it go.


Time is a common thing which any partner would want. But sometimes this might reach to such a level that you cannot tolerate further. She wants you to spend the whole 24 hours with her doing romance of course. Just spend three hours watching this movie with her and your work will be done. She would understand how boring and “ jaan lewa” it can be to do the same thing for hours.