Suits Season 5 Episode 4: Meet Esther

After, the second episode I got the feeling that this season of Suits was going to be Harvey centric and rest of the ensemble will have to sit on the sidelines and watch. However, the latest episode of Suits Season 5, has again shifted the show on the right path. There were several elements or lets say moments in the episode that were heart-warming to say the least.

Suits Season 5 Episode 4

Lets start with the first and foremost. The surprise. Esther. Louis’ beautiful sister. One can’t stop loving her. Harvey was bedazzled by Esther’s glowing presence. By the end of the episode, the feeling was mutual. Esther wants Harvey to handle her divorce case. Louis personally asks Harvey to do him a favor. As we all know, Harvey may be stone-cold but when it comes to family he is like a marshmallow. Esther tells him of her husband’s infidelity and as every Suits fan remembers, how much Harvey despises infidelity becuase of his mother. What this season has done is show a more “human” side to Harvey, which we thought was never possible. Here is a quote from the episode, when he tells Esther why he never wanted to become a divorce attorney,

When people get caught up in divorce…they forget there are some things in life that are more important than money. (referring to children)

Suits Season 5 Episode 4

That was Harvey’s arc. Now lets shift our focus to Mike and Robert. Mike doesn’t want to take up the settlement offered by Kelton Insurance whereas Robert is more than happy to take it. This forces Mike to entertain the possibility of Robert colluding with the clients, which makes him a fraud. When he questions Robert’s integrity in Jessica’s office, Rachel comes to her father’s rescue. Her response to Mike’s allegations is pretty moving and convey her respect and affection for Robert. This is what she replies to Mike,

My dad’s not dumb. And he’s not dirty. Well, attack on my father is an attack on me, and you’re the one who’s doing it.

Suits Season 5 Episode 4

The other thing which I liked in the episode was Katrina Bennett. She and Mike now enjoy mutual respect for each other and again they quoted, from The Wire, which was amazing.

At the end, Harvey goes to Louis and the latter apologizes and promises him to take care of the compensation pay regarding his salary. Every fan will be moved by the last dialogue of the episode,

Harvey(to Donna): I wanted to thank you. For 12 years.