
Kevin Feige Reveals The Reason Why Nick Fury Didn’t Use The Pager Until ‘Infinity War’

Ever since Infinity War, Marvel fans have been wondering why Nick Fury’s pager was never seen before and now, it has come into play in Captain Marvel. There are some events in the film that clearly elaborated how this period device became an SOS for the former director of Shield. Now the question that is in every fans’ mind is why it was not used before Thanos snapped his finger and changed the dynamics of the universe.

Infinity War Nick Fury Kevin Feige

While talking to SlashFilm, Kevin Feige the President of the Marvel Studios was asked the same and he said,

“Well, I’d say two things. One, she does say it’s gotta be a real emergency, right? Yeah,” Feige said. “The other thing I’d say is how do you know he never hit it? How do we know he never pushed it before? We’ve never seen him push it before. That doesn’t mean he never did.”

Infinity War Nick Fury Kevin Feige

Some of the events of Captain Marvel end in 1995 without even briefing about what happened to Carol Danvers in the interceding years. It surely gives all of us a clue that a sequel will be made that too will take place in the past once again, which will leave the opportunity for Carol to travel to the planet at a given point on her journey to space.

Infinity War Nick Fury Kevin Feige

In an interview, Feige regarding the sequel had said,

“The making of a first film is in some ways a brainstorm on the future and on what can be,” the president added, “So what it will be again is not clear. But what it could be is pretty amazing.”

Infinity War Nick Fury Kevin Feige

Now, as Carol Danvers is established, the Captain Marvel actress Brie Larson made it very clear that she is really curious to see the narrative that surrounds the character move on.

“I don’t know how it’s any different. To be honest, I don’t want it to feel different,” she said. “I’m kind of over the ‘First female blah blah blah,’ and ‘Wow, maybe women can actually do the same things that dudes can do – what a crazy concept!’ I feel like the more we talk about it, the more we perpetuate the myth that it’s an impossible task. No, if it wasn’t like that before, it’s because it was wrong. That was just wrong. Now we’re just doing what’s natural.”

Infinity War Nick Fury Kevin Feige

“It’ll be what it is, and I think there’s gonna be a lot there for people to digest and feel,” Larson added. “And hopefully it’ll be the movie that you want to revisit again and again, and as life goes on, it’ll have more to it. I just want to make art that lasts. I want to make art that you grow with. That’s all.”

Captain Marvel is running in theaters.

Rishabh Naudiyal

"Writing is one of my strengths and all I can say is that I observe things and try my best in order to convert them into words without the pressure of satisfying people's demands."
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