QB MemesSuperheroes

30 Times Tumblr’s Love For Captain America Went To Another Level

Chris Evans portrays the role of Captain America and we all are very big fans of him. He’s got the perfect package of being the remarkable Steve Rogers. His sense of humor, his laughter everything makes him the funniest of all plus he is the sexiest man alive. Check out these posts which will show Tumblr’s love for Captain America which will make you laugh till you burst into laughter:

Shit, That’s Bucky!


So Adorable!

Let’s Good!

Silly tricks!

Funny As Hell!

I Don’t Wike it!

Yes, You!

Pokemon Evolution!

Oh Dear!


True That!

Catch-Up List!


Mildly Gay Responses!


I Need To Lie Down!

All The Single Heroes!

So Good!


My My!


So Cute!

Tumblr’s Love For Captain America!

Yeah, You Are!

I love it that RDJ now calls Chris Evans this!

A Bouquet of Chris Evans’!

Well Done!

Tumblr's Love For Captain America


You know, I never knew what I expected from Chris Evans’ yearbook before, but this is exactly it!

Pooja Singh

Her belief lies in the power of elegant intentionality in this world filled with lurid colors.
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