Agent Coulson is The Next Villain of The Avengers
Shocked? I know but it has been revealed that Agent Coulson is the next villain of the Avengers and we all are really disturbed with this but it has been revealed in ‘Avengers #11’ that Phil Coulson isn’t the same man he was and is now the new villain of Avengers.
It’s shocking to hear and read but it’s true that Phil Coulson has joined the side of the bad guys as it has been revealed that he has murdered one of the close compatriot and team members of Black Panther. The reason he is now the biggest threat to the whole Avengers’ team is that Coulson knows the superheroes from the inside which is really heartbreaking and deadly.
We all know that Coulson and Captain America shared a really good relationship and also Coulson “was” a really big fan of Captain America and now he “is not” anymore, so much so that Coulson has started taking the wrong path and has become an enemy of the Avengers.
We all know that Agent Coulson is the one who got killed very famously in the controversial events of Secret Empire back in 2017 in which we saw that Captain America was the one who went from being a hero to a villain as Captain succeeded in fooling the whole world.
But, it was none other than Agent Coulson who didn’t get fooled by that HydraCap and went on to stop him. As a result of which, Captain America ordered Deadpool to kill Coulson and as we all know that the guy is still paying the price of this. Well, in the ‘Avengers #700’ we saw that the death of Agent Coulson has been undone and he was seen talking to General Thunderbolt Ross.
Well, the way and medium of his return haven’t been explained yet but the intentions he has now are very clear and intact. As in Avengers #11, we have seen that Coulson is talking to a mysterious and dangerous character and the scariest thing is that he captured that mysterious character and was explaining his plans to him.
Well, with the words Coulson has stated, we can clearly understand and tell that he is a completely different man now after returning from death and also the vengeance he holds in his heart for Captain America is really huge. Though he talked about the collection of Captain America cards, now he hates him as he knows that it was Captain America who sent Deadpool to kill him.
Also, Coulson has put the man whom he had captured into a forever sleep in cold blood as he thought that he is a spy sent from Black Panther. Well, we can clearly see that Agent Coulson has changed a lot and it seems like he is already the next villain of Avengers and with backing from Squadron Supreme, Avengers can’t take Coulson lightly.
We have to say that seeing Coulson’s dark side is really frightening but quite exciting as we all know that Coulson knows a lot about S.H.I.E.L.D. and all the superheroes in the Avengers’ team. Which is why he can hit them really hard when they least expect it because he knows a lot about their nerves.
Having Coulson against the Avengers seems to be really interesting and with Coulson being a kind of character who always seems to give away even his life for the well-being of his team and for the people of Earth seems to be completely mad in revenge. With Captain America, in his target, Coulson seems to have no mercy for any superhero in his mind.
The fans who haven’t read the Avengers #11 can read it now as it is available by Marvel Comics and you can tell us about your views on the state of Agent Coulson in the story now as he has transformed into a bad villain. Do tell us in the comments section down below.